As your relatable fitness, health, and happiness guide, we’re striving to bring our readers awesome content on a daily basis. And every weekend, we want to share the love with others who are writing some kick-ass content in the wellness world:

Fitness: The Athlete’s Guide to Home Remedies — MSN Today

Both an Ironman Athlete and sports medicine physician, Dr. Jordan Metzl knows a thing or two about dealing with injuries when we want to keep pushin’ through.

Health: Starbucks Taps the Juice Craze With Its First Juice Bar — Well + Good NYC

Move over skinny iced-frappuccino, there’s another (healthier) option on the Starbucks menu. Read all about the new juices that are flowing in our favorite coffee shop.

Happiness: The More Facebook Friends You Have, the Bigger Asshole You Are — Jezebel

Say it aint so — a new study found a link between racking up the Facebook friends and narcissism. De-friend away!

Blog Spotlight:The Tale of the Dragon Slayer — Nerd Fitness

A nail-biting, theatrical story about how to improve ourselves (Dragon-slayer style, of course).

Grab Bag: The Iced-Coffee Economy: Why The Cold Stuff Costs More — New York Mag: Grub Street

With the warmer weather comes the switch from hot to iced-coffee. But why does the cold stuff put a bigger dent in our wallets?